+252-617303294 / +252-617303297

                                             Call us for any quarries.





We have extensive expertise in the services we offer having worked with numerous humanitarian agencies. We have the ability to handle complex logistics and services and able to procure major relief supplies.

We have extensive network and presence in key areas in Somalia. When emergencies strike, we are often the first to measure the magnitude of crisis and assist clients respond effectively.

We have diverse and dedicated local staff from the different fabrics of the Somali society that give us easy access to different parts of Somalia. Our multi-lingual staff can interact with diverse stakeholders unified by a single mission - saving lives.

Pre-positioned humanitarian aid and relief supplies in strategic areas across Somalia for immediate dispatch as needed. We also have readily available warehouse facilities in Mogadishu and other regional HQs.

Own transportation fleet which enable us to move supplies with tremendous efficiency.